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Mobile Stocktake - Overview

One of the "typical" issues with stocktakes is the inability to produce accurate variance reports detailing differences between pre and post stocktake figures. This is because stock may reside in multiple locations, or locations not known to Micronet.

Consider a typical warehouse where stock is stored in multiple locations. Let's split these into a "Shelf" location and a "Bulk" location. The "Shelf" location is used for general picking and storage, while the "Bulk" location is used for an abundance of stock which is then replenished to "Shelf" as required. The products appearing in the "Shelf" locations have their correct bin locations assigned, but the "Bulk" may not.


Typical procedures (without PDAs)
  1. Create a stocktake batch with all items, Zero SOH, and post.
  2. Create smaller individual stocktake batches grouped by item / bin location / category, etc. with the method of "Append Stock Count to SOH", CREATE ITEMS.
  3. As the stock shown on the stocktake sheet is counted, you may come across items that don't appear on stocktake sheets. Typically, these products are written on a separate stocktake sheet and are then manually added to the batch when the figures are posted to Micronet.

It is because of this last reason that we post a "zeroed" stocktake batch first, then append the count to the current SOH for all future batches.


New procedures (with PDAs)
  1. Create smaller individual stocktake batches grouped by item / bin location / category, etc. with the method of "Overwrite SOH with Stocktake count", CREATE ITEMS, ZERO SOH, and post these to "Paperless".
  2. These are then downloaded to the PDAs and completed. Any items within the range of products but not included in the batch are manually recorded on a sheet and will later be created as a new batch on the PDAs.
  3. From the PDA, create a new batch for all the "manually recorded" items. This PDA created batch has the option of "Append to existing Batches" which, when posted to Micronet, will search through existing batches looking for the item in question and append its count to that count (at the same time creating an audit trail).
  4. Now you can print variances for all of your Micronet created batches, knowing that all stock has been counted correctly.